Virtual WiFi (VWiFi) and Windows 7
+ What is Virtual WiFi (VWiFi) and how it can be used?
Virtual WiFi is a technology that virtualizes wireless network card (WLAN) on your PC or laptop. Using Virtual WiFi, user will able to configure virtual WLAN cards (Virtualized out of physical WLAN on machine) to connect to different wireless networks or wireless Access Points.
This is similar to virtual network cards (vmnet0,vmnet1 etc…) that will be created if your have installed VMware Server on your Windows box.
Another advantage of Virtual WiFi (VWiFi) is Self Organizing Wireless Mesh Networks.
+ How to enable Virtual WiFi (VWiFi) functionality?
This feature will be available in Microsoft’s upcoming OS Windows 7.
Get all the VirtualWifi papers and presentations from A general FAQ is also available.
Not all wireless network cards support this feature as vendors will need to recompile drivers to support Virtual WiFi (VWiFi) feature. Download PowerPoint presentation, “Wireless LAN Enhancements In Windows 7″aimed for hardware vendors from Windows Hardware Engineering conference 2008 (WinHEC 2008)

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sorry bhava. naahi zepale kaahi. faar ch hi-fi article aahe.
ReplyDeleteAs of now, any user with wireless network card (on laptop/desktop) can connect to single wireless network at a time.
ReplyDeleteVirtual WiFi will help connect different wireless networks at the same time.
That is a new tech concept which I have never heard of before.