WolframAlpha launch update
WolframAlpha will try to go live on 15th May 2009 @ 7pm CDT (8pm EDT | 5pm PDT | 12am UTC) as per WolframAlpha blog update.
“If all goes well, we’ll then be able to declare Wolfram|Alpha officially launched on Monday, May 18.”, WolframAlpha blog update says.
There will be live webcast at http://www.justin.tv/wolframalpha
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Mandar Pise
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Mandar is a seasoned software professional for more than a decade. He is Cloud, AI, IoT, Blockchain and Fintech enthusiast. He writes to benefit others from his experiences. His overall goal is to help people learn about the Cloud, AI, IoT, Blockchain and Fintech and the effects they will have economically and socially in the future.
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