Opera Unite: A Peer to Peer web service browser
Opera labs has just released Opera Unite (labs version), a new web technology that will be integrated into upcoming release of Opera 10 web browser.
So what’s new about web browsers? We already have bunch of web browser releases such as Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox 3.0, Mozilla Firefox 3.5 RC, Google Chrome 2.0, Opera 9.6.
The exciting thing is Opera Unite has initiated change in web browser landscape from just a web client to web service browser.
Opera Unite will allow developers to write custom application called as Opera Unite services allowing peer to peer communication in between multiple web browsers. So basically anyone can write Opera Unite services without need of third-party servers. So all kinds of file sharing, photo sharing, games, web services right from the browser. And Opera Unite is available on Windows,Linux/Unix and Mac OS. Pretty cool?
Following video explains more about Opera Unite and instructions to use Opera Unite.
Read Introduction to Opera Unite for more details.
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