Samsung SDS and Tech Mahindra to Promote Nexledger Blockchain Platform
Samsung SDS and Tech Mahindra announced collaboration to promote Samsung SDS's Nexledger blockchain platform in the Indian and global market.
Founded in 1985, Samsung SDS is a subsidiary of Samsung Group providing information technology services. Tech Mahindra was founded in 1988 and also a provider of information technology services worldwide.
The global enterprise blockchain platform market will grow up to 128% a year until 2021, according to Gartner forecast. Blockchain provides secure, transparent and immutable means to share information as against the traditional methods of information sharing which are inefficient and costly.
Executive Opinion
President of Samsung SDS, Mahn Chey, India said, "We are proud to announce our joint efforts to promote Nexledger in the global market with Tech Mahindra. As a company that believes in the value the blockchain technology will bring, Samsung SDS has dedicated its efforts to develop a blockchain platform, Nexledger, that meets the enterprise needs in the business sector. Together with Tech Mahindra, we look forward to delivering blockchain powered digital transformation to our clients."Global Practice Leader, Blockchain, Rajesh Dhuddu at Tech Mahindra, said, "As part of our TechMNxt charter, we are invested in creating a partner ecosystem to leverage next generation technologies and platforms to provide enhanced experience to our customers. As a step towards the same, we are delighted to partner with Samsung SDS and look forward to leveraging their market research, proprietary Blockchain platform Nexledger that has proven ability to automate a complex Blockchain network deployment and maximise transactions not only on their native platform but also on Hyperledger and Ethereum. This partnership will also enhance our reach in Korean, India and other APAC markets, maximise the joint offerings through a combination of respective platforms, Tech Mahindra's System Integration skills and Innovation centres in India."
Nexledger Blockchain Platform in Brief
In 2017, Samsung SDS developed Nexledger as an enterprise blockchain platform that is flexible and scalable to deliver use cases specific to enterprise requirements. The announcement noted that Nexledger has capabilities to combine various customized features on Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum. Developers can choose from various blockchain core technologies and consensus algorithms such as NCA (Nexledger Consensus Algorithm), Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum.Samsung SDS has deployed Nexledger in various industries for blockchain-based innovation, accumulating several actual cases that can be universally applied to different areas. Samsung SDS identified various use cases such as a co-verification system for banks, maritime logistics, export customs services, the product design and manufacturing process information management of manufacturers, smart contracts, and etc.
Samsung SDS is exploring global business opportunities with its enterprise blockchain platform business and actively pursuing the development of Nexledger. The announcement also noted that Tech Mahindra will actively participate in development activities of Nexledger platform.
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Mandar Pise
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Mandar is a seasoned software professional for more than a decade. He is Cloud, AI, IoT, Blockchain and Fintech enthusiast. He writes to benefit others from his experiences. His overall goal is to help people learn about the Cloud, AI, IoT, Blockchain and Fintech and the effects they will have economically and socially in the future.
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